We Show Cougar Pride When We Give FIVE!

1. Follow directions

2. Use kind words

3. Keep my hands and feet to myself

4. Make safe choices


Friday, February 1, 2013

Kildeer Principal's Message

A Look Back... 

Pajama Day and Drive ~ Student Council orchestrated an incredibly successful event.  They encouraged kids and families to donate new pajamas and books for the pajama program.  The drive was successful and kids recognized the finale of the event by wearing p.j.'s today.  A perfect cold winter's day to snuggle into the warmth of Kildeer among our school family. Thank you to all the families that donated to this cause.  We are so grateful for your generosity.  Kildeer continues to make a difference!

More to be proud of! ~ Family Book Club from Kildeer took a field trip to Bernie's Book Bank on Jan 24 and 31. Book Club members, both parents and students, arrived in Lake Forest with boxes and bags to donate to needy children in the Chicago area. Then we got down to work and sorted and labeled books with stickers to help process the books. Within a week, the books that went through our hands will be in the hands of children who do not have any books in their homes. These children, pre-school to 6th grade, receive 6 books twice a year to keep for themselves. We were proud that we could help make a difference in just volunteering for one hour. If you would like to find out more about this wonderful, local organization, or volunteer, please visit BERNIE'S BOOK BANK WEBSITE. In the spring we will be hosting a Bernie's Book Bank book drive at Kildeer, so please start saving your gently used books now to help spread the opportunity of reading. Thank you to all who participated and for saving books for our upcoming drive!
~Mrs. Schumer and Ms. Moses

 A Look Ahead... 

Cougar Communities ~ Next week kids will get together with their buddy classrooms, which we call Cougar Communities.  Older and younger students will partner together to learn and discuss ways we build relationships with others.  We will specifically explore expected behaviors that foster friendships.  Our buddy classroom learning is truly strengthening our Kildeer community as kids from different grade levels build relationships with one another.  The activities facilitated reinforce social emotional learning skills with all kids, while allowing for our older students to be positive role models for our younger students.

Valentine's Day  Party Details ~ No food items attached to Valentine's being passed out in school.  For additional information see prior Principal's Message.

Valentine's Day ~ Student Dismissal Notes Due Monday, February 11th, PLEASE!
If you are a room parent for our Valentine's Day Party, and are planning on taking your child home with you, we need you to complete the Valentine's Day Party Student Pick-up Note (link under Forms & Information below).  We need these in as soon as possible to organize dismissal in a safe and efficient way.  If your child is going home with another parent,  you also must submit a note to us.  Please help us on this busy day by submitting your notes as early as possible.  This is a great help to as each child is expected to have and turn back a note as he/she leaves the building.  THANK YOU!

K.I.D.S. Grants
The District 96 Foundation proudly sponsors K.I.D.S. Grants (Kids Initiating a Difference inSchools), a grant program for our students. K.I.D.S. grants provide an opportunity for students to put their ideas into action to help fellow students make their classroom and school a better place to learn.

The maximum grant amount is $300. The deadline to complete the ONLINE APPLICATION is Fri., Feb. 1, 2013. The Foundation Prize Patrol will be out and about to surprise the winners in February. 

Who in District 96 is your child’s champion?
A call for Foundation Crystal Apple nominations
Do you know someone who exemplifies the best of District 96? Nominate him or her for 2013 Crystal Apple recognition–an honored tradition in District 96 since 1998! ONLINE NOMINATIONS are now open for submission through Fri., Feb. 8, athttp://www.96foundation.org

Forms & Information
Click here for access to new and archived forms, student opportunities, and information.
New this week:
  • Jump Rope for Heart Permission Slip - click here
  • Hoops for Heart Permission Slip - click here
Calendar Highlights for Next Week
This is a brief look at what's ahead. Please be sure to follow D96 ENews and our Kildeer PTO Newsletter.
  • Tuesday, February 5 ~ 5th Grade Wolves Field Trip
  • Thursday, February 7 ~ 4th Grade Ellis Island Presentation
  • Thursday, February 7 ~ Dessert Day
  • Friday, February 8 ~ PTO Bingo Blast!  Hope to see you there!
    PTO Highlight of the Week

    Pizza/Bingo Blast is almost upon us!!  Don’t miss this FUN event on Feb 8th at 5:30pm!

    Thanks to our PTO for all of your support!