A Look Back...
The Blue Ribbon Gazette ~ 4th and 5th Grade Newspaper Club is up and running with our 5th grade teacher, Miss Anderson. Click here to checkout their PUBLICATION!
Crazy Hair/Hat Day ~ Student Council declared today crazy hair/hat day. The kids LOVED it. We saw so much creativity!
A Look Ahead...
The Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) will begin on Wednesday, March 6th and conclude on Monday, March 11th. Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will be tested in mathematics and reading. 4th grade students will also take the science exam.
You will receive information about your child’s performance on the ISAT tests next fall. The test results will be used as one piece of information to guide instruction.
You can help your child do his or her best on the test by:
- Making sure that your child attends school on the days of testing provided they are not ill;
- Making sure your child gets a good night’s sleep;
- Eating a healthy breakfast;
- Reminding your child to ask the teacher questions if he or she does not understand the test directions;
- Letting your child know that you have confidence in his or her ability; and
- Advising your child not to worry about the test – just do the best he or she can.
Please call your child’s teacher if you want additional information or have further questions about these tests. We look forward to sharing the ISAT results with you this fall.
Pacing Guides? What is that? Check it out! ~ Additional information regarding student learning targets is now available on the District website. Parents have always had access to the District Curriculum Frameworks which include the mastery expectations (3.0 learning targets) for students in each grade for every subject area, and represent the learning targets included on Report Cards. These targets remain constant throughout the school year.
Parents will now have access to the District Pacing Guides which include the mastery expectations (3.0 learning targets) and additional learning targets (2.0 and 4.0 learning targets) that teachers use for instructional purposes. The 4.0 learning targets indicate a more complex learning target related to the 3.0 learning target. The 2.0 learning targets indicate a simpler version of the 3.0 learning target. The 4.0 and 2.0 learning targets are fluid and flexible, sometimes adjusted throughout the school year based on information from student performance and teacher input.
I strongly encourage you to take a look, as this provides you with a great deal of information related to your child's learning path. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or need more information.
Click the link below for more information...
Call in student absences ~ Please remember that if you are keeping your child home, you need to call your child out of school for the day. The office is having to make many phone calls home to check on absent students each day. Thanks for your help with this!
Attention Parents of Fifth-Graders ~ The D96 Parent-to-Parent (P2P) Network is partnering with Woodlawn and Twin Groves Middle School principals and staff to present a brand-new transition program for parents whose current fifth-grade students will be attending middle school in August 2013.
This don’t-miss program on Tues., Mar. 12, @ 7 p.m., Woodlawn Middle School Gym, for ALL District 96 parents of current fifth graders will feature a student panel for Q&A and practical transition tips, middle school staff, and Principals Heather Friziellie and Greg Grana.
Please note that this program replaces the school-based programs presented in previous years. One program/one date for ALL parents of current D96 fifth-grade students: Tues., Mar. 12, 7 p.m., Woodlawn Middle School gym, 6362 Gilmer Rd, Long Grove 60047.
2013-2014 District 96 School Year Calendar Approved ~ Please visit this link to view the school calendar for next year.
Forms & Information
School Supply Kits ~ Believe it or not, the time has arrived. Order your School Supply Kits for next school year are due Friday, 3/15! Checkout the PTO forms list to order.
This is a brief look at what's ahead. Please be sure to follow D96 ENews and our Kildeer PTO Newsletter.
- Wednesday, February 27 ~ Grade 4 and Grade 5 Orchestra Concert @ 7:00 p.m. Woodlawn
- Thursday, February 28 ~ Grade 3 Musical @ 7:00 p.m.
PTO Highlight of the Week
Family Fun at Glacier! ~ Put on your skates! It’s Family Skate Night at Glacier on March 8th!
School Supply Kits ~ Believe it or not, the time has arrived. Order your School Supply Kits for next school year are due Friday, 3/15! Checkout the PTO forms list to order.
Thanks to our PTO for all of your support!