A Look Back...
PTO Cultural Arts, Jesse White Tumbler ~ Once again the Jesse White Tumblers put on an out of this world experience for our students. Thank you to our PTO for bringing this to us. If your child didn't spontaneously combust to tell you about it, be sure to prompt them to see what they thought. The tumblers are AMAZING!
PTO Barnes and Noble Book Fair ~ First, let me compliment the chorus on their beautiful concert! Thank you also to the PTO for their hard work on setting up the event, and to all of the parents that came out to support our students and school. It was wonderful! Second, if you witnessed or heard my raging 4 year old's temper tantrum, my apologies! Let's just say we had a major discussion around whether that was "naughty or nice."
A Look Ahead...
Lost & Found ~ Please encourage your kids or come by yourself to check our lost & found. It's bursting at the seams! Come on by or if you are here for the winter party festivities, feel free to take a peek. It's set up in our cafeteria. 5th Grade Music Performance ~ Tuesday, December 18th
Call Time 6:40p.m.
Curtain Time 7:00p.m.
Costumes Plain white top (long or short sleeve), pants with pockets, and hat, earmuffs, or
A Note From Student Council ~ Student Council has declared Friday, December 21st as "Winter Wear Clothing Day." Students are encouraged to wear holiday or winter clothing or festive colors for the day.
Cougar Pride Kids Club ~ A reminder that Cougar Pride Kids' Club begins January 10th! The
Cougar Pride Kids Club is a club new to Kildeer School available exclusively to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade boys and girls. Within the club we will be expanding School Pride through out the Kildeer Building in creative ways. For example, coming up with a list of books teachers can use in their classroom to help promote the Cougar 5. Another example is making posters and other art projects to provide friendly reminders to our students about the Cougar 5. The Cougar Pride Kids Club also allows the children an opportunity to participate in peer mentoring. Within cross-age mentoring, younger students pair with older students to help build self-confidence, a sense of belonging, and enhance academic skills. Click on the link to "Forms & Information" below for the registration form.
Holiday Party Details ~ Student Dismissal Notes Due Wednesday, December 19th, PLEASE!
If you are a room parent for our winter party coming up, and are planning on taking your child home with you from the party, we need you to complete the Holiday Party Student Pick-up Note (link under Forms & Information below or click here). We need these in as soon as possible to organize dismissal in a safe and efficient way. If your child is going home with another parent from the party, you also must submit a note to us. Please help us on this busy day by submitting your notes as early as possible. It helps us so much to get our ducks in a row before the big day! We would like these by Wednesday, December 19th. THANK YOU!
Attention 4th Grade Parents! ~ If you are a parent of a 4th grader, please mark your 2013 calendar to attend a district wide Math Night for Grade 4 Parents on Thurs., Jan. 10, 2013. The program will be 7–8 p.m. at Ivy Hall School in the Mat Room for ALL District 96 parents of 4th graders. Ivy Hall School is located at 1072 Ivy Hall Lane, Buffalo Grove, 60089. Join this lively workshop to learn the algorithms your 4th grader will be using in math this year. Bring a pencil!
A Note from P.E. ~ Our roller skating program continues next week. Each child must wear the roller skates we rent through Skatetime. All students are welcome to wear their own helmets, elbow pads, knee pads and wrist guards and are encouraged to do so. They may be kept in your child’s locker and brought to the gym on our “skating days”. If your child does not have this equipment, we will gladly supply it for them. We tie a bandanna around each child’s head before placing “shared” helmets on students, and these are a “one time use” which we launder daily. We have enough for every child, but you may supply your own if you choose to do so. Knee pads and elbow pads go over their clothing so they should not be a problem. We recommend your child wear long socks on our skating days so the leather skates don’t rub against their ankles. If they just want to leave one pair in their locker, that is fine as well.
Forms & Information
Click here for access to new and archived forms, student opportunities, and information. New this week:
- 1st Grade Before School Sports Permission Slip and Calendar
- 5th Grade Wolves Field Trip
- Cougar Pride Kids' Club
This is a brief look at what's ahead. Please be sure to follow D96 ENews and our Kildeer PTO Newsletter.
- Tuesday, December 18th ~ 5th Grade Music Performance @ 7:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, December 19th ~ 1st and 2nd Grade Marriott Field Trip @ 9:30-11:20 a.m.
- Thursday, December 20th ~ Dessert Day
- Thursday, December 20th ~ 5th Grade Trade Fair @ 1:30-2:30 p.m. (students and staff only)
- Friday, December 21st ~ Student Council Winter Wear Clothing Day
- Friday, December 21st ~ Winter Parties @ 2:00 p.m.
- Friday, December 21st ~ Last Day of School Before Winter Break
- Tuesday, December 25th ~ Christmas Day
- Tuesday, January 1st ~ New Year's Day
- Monday, January 7th ~ School Resumes
- Thursday, January 10th ~ Dessert Day
- Thursday, January 10th ~ Grade 4 Math Night for Parents @ 7:00 p.m. Ivy Hall
- Friday, January 11th ~ PTO Movie Night @ Buffalo Grove Theatre
PTO Highlight of the Week
Winter Parties are next Friday! Thank you to all of our parents who have volunteered their time before and during the parties to make this a memorable event. Fun starts at 2pm!
Thanks to our PTO for all of your support!