We Show Cougar Pride When We Give FIVE!

1. Follow directions

2. Use kind words

3. Keep my hands and feet to myself

4. Make safe choices


Friday, July 5, 2013

New Parking Lot and Grounds & Transportation Notice

New Parking Lot & Grounds
If you've driven by Kildeer recently, you've probably been wondering what's going on!  A significant improvement is underway to our grounds and parking lot.  The new lot will allow for additional parking, and also improve our bussing and parent drop-off/pick-up lane.  All busses will now have a permanent spot to the North and rear of the building (old parent pick-up and drop-off area) to ease our arrival and dismissal procedures.  The parent drop-off and pick-up lane will be at the front of the building and will accommodate additional cars, while maintaining a separate area away from busses for student safety.  The school grounds are being remedied to provide us with as much usable field space as we had previously.

Anticipate delays the first couple of weeks as we tweak our new procedures for the most efficiency.  We sincerely appreciate your patience!

KEY: Busses, Parent Pick-up/Drop-off Lane
Transportation Notice
The Parent/Student Handbook language related to students riding busses other than their assigned bus will be enforced beginning the coming 2013-14 school year.  As it states in the handbook, please note that "Riding an unassigned bus for birthday parties, scouts, carpools/play dates, etc., is not considered appropriate use of transportation resources."  Riding a bus other than their assigned bus is for emergencies only, and must be approved by the principal.  

This has been the Handbook language for sometime and is enforced in our neighboring District 96 elementary schools.  Our parking lot, and specifically concerns related to the parent drop-off/pick-up lane, prohibited us from enforcing this to the fullest extent.  The aforementioned parking lot improvements will resolve previous complications.  Please know that only under very special circumstances constituting an emergency will students be allowed to ride another bus, and you must seek approval by way of phone.  Email requests will not be considered.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

We'll miss you! Happy Summer!!

First, the poem I promised you last week, written by Lucy, Clare, Stephanie, Rithika, Sasha, Rachel, Caylin, and Rachel in 5th Grade for Ultimate Cheer Day!

The first day of school may be a fright, but in the end it will turn out alright, you'll meet new friends and teachers along the way, to make the year full of fun and play.
Being kind is the Kildeer law, so that's why we deserve a Cougar Paw!
We love our teachers, we love our best friends, and hope the school year never ends.
Let's give a clap for Champ, although he's sometimes a scamp, he's funny, but kind...LET'S GO CHAMP!
This year we won a Blue Ribbon.  It was because of us children, we had a big party, we had so much fun, we are the best children out of everyone.
The year starts out with 1,2,3, but now it's time for A,B,C
We're so sad on the last day, to leave Kildeer, we wish we could stay!!!

As I drove into Kildeer this morning, I had flashbacks of leaving for summer on the last day of school as a kid.  Wind in my hair, sun on my face, homework and test free for the whole summer!  Picture that scene in Grease when the kids burst out of the front doors of the school, running and jumping and hugging...it felt just like that.  My heart was sad this morning, thinking about the kids leaving for the summer and missing them, knowing that they couldn't wait to burst through our doors and finally be to their carefree summer days.

The staff and I make a farewell line to bid students goodbye as they hop onto their buses and scurry into your cars.  All the sudden, I noticed that the memories I held about the last day of school were going to be completely different than our last few minutes of the 2012-13 school year.  What did I see? TEARS!  Children, staff, and me too!  We were a mess!!  Not that I want your children to cry...of course not!  But I couldn't be more proud to be in a school where kids say, "I don't want to leave!  We love school!"  Does it get better than that?  I say it all the time...we are a school family.  Kildeer is a place where bonds are tight, hearts are filled, and the passion and zest for learning is palpable.  

Parents, we thank you so much for your support, trust, and most of all, the love you give your children to mold them into the wonderful kids that they are and adults they'll grow into.  We're honored to play a part in their lives.

5th graders, we send you into the world of Woodlawn.  Remember, you're always a Kildeer Cougar!  Hold these memories in your heart.  We know we will!

Jenny Smith & the Kildeer Staff 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Kildeer Principal's Message 5/31/13

A Look Back...
Family Picnic ~ Family Picnic was a blast, and is always the perfect way to celebrate the close to a perfect year!  Thank you to our PTO who made this such a success.  As my daughter said, "I wish we could do it all over again!"  Next year, kiddo! ;)

ABC Countdown Highlight ~ Ultimate Cheer Day! On Ultimate Cheer Day students worked together to create a Kildeer classroom cheer that celebrated COUGAR PRIDE!  It was amazing to see the cheers the kids came up with that celebrated the school year.  I have a special one I'll be sharing from some 5th grade girls, but you'll have to wait until next week!  It's so amazing, I've decided to end the school year with it.  It truly captures the spirit of Kildeer.  So...stay tuned on that one.  

A Look Ahead...
FIELD DAY RESCHEDULED ~ Due to wet fields and weather concerns we postponed Field Day until Monday, June 3rd. Looking at the weather report, Monday looks like a fantastic day for outside activities.  Since Special Lunch was served on Friday,  March 31st, students need to order lunch from the lunch program or bring a lunch from home.  Don't forget to put sunscreen on your child before sending them to school.  You're welcome to send sunscreen as well.  We cannot apply sunscreen on your child, so please practice having your child do it themselves.  You may also want to consider dressing your child to protect them from the sun, such as a long sleeve, light weight/color shirt.  Sunglasses and hats are allowed.  Water bottles may also come to school.  Please label it with your child's name.

Summer Reading Program Ideas ~As the school year comes to a close, I encourage you to find a  summer reading program with your child. Students can lose more than half of their school year gains during the summer vacation. Children who read during the summer months, however, can sustain their literacy levels and are better prepared for learning when school resumes in the fall.  There are so many options when it comes to a summer reading program.  First, don't forget about the District 96 summer reading program as outlined at this link.  Mrs. Schumer has also put together a list of summer reading programs in the area to keep students reading all summer long. Click here to view her list.  Thank you for your dedication and partnership in creating lifelong learners!

Dates to Remember for the 13/14 School Year ~ Just a brief look at the beginning of our next school year. Classroom assignments, bus routes, and beginning of the year information will be mailed to your home mid-week of August 12th.
  • Tuesday, August 20 - Meet Your Teacher Day 
  • Tuesday, August 20 - PTO Meet and Greet
  • Wednesday, August 21 - First Day of School FY 13/14 Dismissal @ 2:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25 - Long Grove ArtFest (Kildeer PTO Event)
  • Wednesday, August 28 - Curriculum Night Grades 1, 2, and 3 @ 6:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, August 29 - Curriculum Night Grades 4 and 5 @ 6:30 p.m.

ABC Countdown Is in Full Swing!  ~  Don't forget to look at the calendar for the fun plans next week.  Click here to view our scrapbook page. 
  • Monday, June 3 What You Need to Know About...Write advice for next year's 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th graders.
  • Tuesday, June 4 Extra Recess Day...Extra recess  and 5th grade transition day.
  • Wednesday, June 5 Yahoo!...Celebrate our year at the final Cougar Pride Assembly. Be sure to wear Cougar-wear or gold and blue.
  • Thursday, June 6 Zip Up Your Backpacks and Zoom Into Summer!
Registration  ~ ALL students who will attend District 96 in the Aug. 2013–June 2014 school year must register. Click on the link in the registration email you were sent to open the online registration form for your student. The subject line of the email reads: "Register your District 96 Student for 2013–2014 School Year." Please read carefully to confirm the accuracy of the information that appears. It is very important that we have current contact information for your family to send you communications and to reach you in an emergency. Please update your information as necessary. Registration questions? Please call 847.459.4260, ext. 7722

Moving over the Summer? ~ Please contact the Kildeer Office to get started on the paperwork to provide for a smooth transition.  Thank you.

  Forms & Information
Click here for access to new and archived forms, student opportunities, and information.
  • Summer Reading Program Ideas from the Learning Center ~ click here
  • ABC Countdown Calendar ~ click here
  • Blue Ribbon Gazette ~ click here
Calendar Highlights for Next Week
This is a brief look at what's ahead. Please be sure to follow D96 ENews and our Kildeer PTO Newsletter.

  • Monday, June 3 ~ Field Day Rain Date
  • Tuesday, June 4 ~ 5th Grade Transition Day
  • Tuesday, June 4 ~ 4th Grade Field Trip Donley's Wild West Town @ 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, June 4 ~ 3rd Grade Field Trip Chicago History Museum @ 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 5 ~ Last FULL DAY of school for the 12/13 school year
  • Thursday, June 6 ~  LAST DAY  of School - 1 hr. DISMISSAL @ 9:25 a.m.
  • Thursday, June 6 ~ Report Cards Issued
PTO Highlight of the Week

Want to help out for the 2013-2014 school year but not interested in charing a PTO committee?  

Our 5th graders are growing up!  It's Transition Day on June 4th.  What a fun day to meet Mr. Grana, Mr. Murphy and check out Woodlawn!

Thanks to our PTO for all of your support!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Kildeer Principal's Message 5/24/13

A Look Ahead...

Summer Reading Program Ideas ~As the school year comes to a close, I encourage you to find a  summer reading program with your child. Students can lose more than half of their school year gains during the summer vacation. Children who read during the summer months, however, can sustain their literacy levels and are better prepared for learning when school resumes in the fall.  There are so many options when it comes to a summer reading program.  First, don't forget about the District 96 summer reading program as outlined at this link.  Mrs. Schumer has also put together a list of summer reading programs in the area to keep students reading all summer long. Click here to view her list.  Thank you for your dedication and partnership in creating lifelong learners!

Dates to Remember for the 13/14 School Year ~ Just a brief look at the beginning of our next school year. Classroom assignments, bus routes, and beginning of the year information will be mailed to your home mid-week of August 12th.
  • Tuesday, August 20 - Meet Your Teacher Day 
  • Tuesday, August 20 - PTO Meet and Greet
  • Wednesday, August 21 - First Day of School FY 13/14 Dismissal @ 2:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25 - Long Grove ArtFest (Kildeer PTO Event)
  • Wednesday, August 28 - Curriculum Night Grades 1, 2, and 3 @ 6:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, August 29 - Curriculum Night Grades 4 and 5 @ 6:30 p.m.
Thank you PTO! ~ Thank you so much to our hospitality crew for the amazing meals and treats provided over staff appreciation week!  We're so grateful for your continuous support and thank you for filling our bellies and warming our hearts!! :)

A Look Back...

Blue Ribbon Gazette ~ The final issue is out!  Please click here to enjoy!  Great job, Newspaper Club.  Our 4th an 5th graders definitely enjoyed doing this and contributed to the full school and community with their great work!

ABC Countdown Is in Full Swing!  ~  Don't forget to look at the calendar for the fun plans next week.  Click here to view our scrapbook page. 

ABC Countdown to the End of the School Year Continues ~

Registration Update ~ ALL students who will attend District 96 in the Aug. 2013–June 2014 school year must register.  Click on the link in the registration email you were sent to open the online registration form for your student. The subject line of the email reads: "Register your District 96 Student for 2013–2014 School Year."  Please read carefully to confirm the accuracy of the information that appears. It is very important that we have current contact information for your family to send you communications and to reach you in an emergency. Please update your information as necessary. Registration questions? Please call 847.459.4260, ext. 7722

Moving over the Summer? ~ Please contact the Kildeer Office to get started on the paperwork to provide for a smooth transition.  Thank you.

  Forms & Information
Click here for access to new and archived forms, student opportunities, and information.
  • Summer Reading Program Ideas from the Learning Center ~ click here
  • ABC Countdown Calendar ~ click here
  • Blue Ribbon Gazette ~ click here
Calendar Highlights for Next Week
This is a brief look at what's ahead. Please be sure to follow D96 ENews and our Kildeer PTO Newsletter.

  • Monday, May 27 ~ NO SCHOOL - MEMORIAL DAY
  • Tuesday, May 28 ~ ELL Luncheon
  • Wednesday, May 29 ~ PTO Executive Board Meeting
  • Wednesday, May29 ~ 2nd Grade Prairie Pen Pals Field Trip @ 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, May 29 ~ Orchestra/Band Pizza Party during lunch
  • Wednesday, May 29 ~ PTO Family Picnic @ 6:00-8:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, May 30 ~ FREE Ice Cream Day
  • Friday, May 31 ~ Field Day
  • Friday, May 31 ~ PTO Special Lunch - Mustard's Last Stand
  • Monday, June 3 ~ Field Day Rain Date
  • Tuesday, June 4 ~ 5th Grade Transition Day
  • Tuesday, June 4 ~ 4th Grade Field Trip Donley's Wild West Town @ 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, June 4 ~ 3rd Grade Field Trip Chicago History Museum @ 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 5 ~ Last FULL DAY of school for the 12/13 school year
  • Thursday, June 6 ~  LAST DAY  of School - 1 hr. DISMISSAL @ 9:25 a.m.
  • Thursday, June 6 ~ Report Cards Issued
PTO Highlight of the Week

Want to help out for the 2013-2014 school year but not interested in charing a PTO committee?  

Get your Running Shoes Ready!  
It’s FIELD DAY on May 31st & Family Picnic is on May 29th!

Thanks to our PTO for all of your support!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Kildeer Principal's Message 5/17/13

                           A Look Ahead... 

ON FRIDAY, MAY 24TH @ 11:45 A.M.  

A Look Back...
ABC Countdown Is in Full Swing!  ~  Don't forget to look at the calendar for the fun plans next week.  Click here to view our scrapbook page.  There's a fabulous clip from Mr. Pazol's class that gives a taste of the fun that was had on joke day!!

Blue Ribbon Gazette ~ The final issue is out!  Please click here to enjoy!  Great job, Newspaper Club.  Our 4th an 5th graders definitely enjoyed doing this and contributed to the full school and community with their great work!

Student Tardies ~ Our tardies are exceedingly numerous, and your efforts to get students here before 8:20 are greatly appreciated. If students are late, please "buzz" into the building and then the office with your child to sign-in.  

ABC Countdown to the End of the School Year Continues ~

A Message from The Student Council~Please Help us Collect Supplies so... 
Orphanage Project Update

Thank you so much to our parents for your generous donations.  Thanks to you we are able to send materials to a school in Mexico to enjoy a really cool project together!  The Student Council put together a video so they can demonstrate how to make the rain sticks to the students receiving the materials.  We are so excited about all of the ways Kildeer has "given back" this year!  Thank you kids and parents!  

Registration Update–Register by May 17 to Save ~ Registration emails were sent out April 1 for the 2013-14 school year. ALL students who will attend District 96 in the Aug. 2013–June 2014 school year must register.  Click on the link in the registration email you were sent to open the online registration form for your student. The subject line of the email reads: "Register your District 96 Student for 2013–2014 School Year."  Please read carefully to confirm the accuracy of the information that appears. It is very important that we have current contact information for your family to send you communications and to reach you in an emergency. Please update your information as necessary. Registration questions? Please call 847.459.4260, ext. 7722

Moving over the Summer? ~ Please contact the Kildeer Office to get started on the paperwork to provide for a smooth transition.  Thank you.

  Forms & Information
Click here for access to new archived forms, student opportunities, and information.
  • ABC Countdown Calendar ~ click here
  • Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast ~ click here
Calendar Highlights for Next Week
This is a brief look at what's ahead. Please be sure to follow D96 ENews and our Kildeer PTO Newsletter.

  • Monday, May 20th ~ SHS Consortium Art Show at 7:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, May 21st ~ Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, May 22 ~ Kildeer Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast @ 7:45-8:25 a.m.
  • Wednesday, May 22 ~ PTO General Meeting @ 8:25 a.m.
  • Thursday, May 23 ~ For Grades 3, 4, 5 Kildeer Chorus Sings  along with                                      WL 7th/8th Grade Orchestra Performance @ 10:30 a.m. 
  • Friday, May 24 ~ EARLY DISMISSAL @ 11:45 a.m.
  • Monday, May 27 ~ NO SCHOOL - MEMORIAL DAY
             PTO Highlight of the Week
Calling All Volunteer’s!  Our PTO Volunteer Breakfast and 
PTO General Meeting is on Wednesday! 

Thanks to our PTO for all of your support!  

Friday, May 10, 2013

Principal's Message 5/10/13

This week, some of the message is written by our Principal for the Day, Lili, from Mrs. Keller's class!

Celebrations from Principal Lili!
  • In P.E. class today I got to see the pacer.  One boy got all the way up to 80!  
  • Kids in classes were taking tests, doing Daily 5 rotations, working on Mother's Day presents, reading, writing, and working on iPads and iTouches.  I got to choose one class to recognize for demonstrating expected Cougar 5 behaviors.  It was hard to pick just one class because they were all showing expected behaviors!  I chose Miss Koldon's class to celebrate because they were working quietly and following directions really well.  
  • In music class they were learning the difference between major and miner key.
  • I got to see Orchestra practice.  It was really really good.they just flowed with the music together!
A Look Back...
ABC Countdown Is in Full Swing!  ~  Two days really stood out this week; Flip Day and Game Day!  Flip Day was fun because kids got to give out Cougar Paws to teachers and staff that they wanted to thank.  The teachers and staff felt very appreciated on this day!  On Game Day kids got to play games in their class for part of the day.  Don't forget to look at the calendar for the fun plans next week.  
A Look Ahead... 
District 96 uses Integrated Pest Management--a program that combines preventive techniques, non-chemical methods (such as bait traps), and the appropriate use of pesticides (with a preference for products least harmful to human health and the environment).

On the weekend of May 11 & 12, 2013 the District 96 lawn treatment provider Zenith
Landscape Group will treat grass areas adjacent to all District buildings. Signs will
be posted to indicate that the treatments have been applied. In the event of rain, the
applications will occur on the following weekend, May 18 & 19, 2013.

Blue Ribbon Gazette ~ Please click the link below to read the new edition put to press by Kildeer's Newspaper Club. Click here.

Beginning Monday, May 6 New Security Procedure for Entering the Building During the School Day and at Dismissal ~ District staff must “buzz” twice to allow entry to a person coming to the building during the school day. After asking the individual’s name and reason for visiting the building, the first “buzz” gives him or her access to the locked vestibule area. A second "buzz"–and additional conversation with District 96 staff, as needed–is then required before the visitor gains access to the building office. 

Our tardies are exceedingly numerous, and your efforts to get students here before 8:20 are greatly appreciated. If students are late, please "buzz" into the building and then the office with your child to sign-in.

There will be no change to procedures currently followed for building access for after-school clubs and athletic events.

Implementing the new security system from May 6th through the end of the current school year will allow us to evaluate procedures and consider additional measures available through a second phase of security enhancements.

ABC Countdown to the End of the School Year Continues ~

An Invitation to All Our Wonderful Parent Volunteers ~
Wednesday, May 22 @ 7:45 a.m. (please note change in time)

A Message from The Student Council~Please Help us Collect Supplies so... 
Orphanage Project Update
This Summer a group of volunteers including one of our own Kildeer staff is going on a trip to Mexico to help out at an orphanage in need. The orphanage is located in Vicente, Guerrero. The volunteers of this project have decided to do a fun craft called Rain Sticks.

Please donate for the Student Council orphanage project!
We have filled up on tape and rice but 

still need stickers, empty paper towel rolls, & aluminum foil.

Thank you Club House for the colored tape. Thank you also to the family who left the giant bag of rice! Please drop off the listed supplies in the art room any time or leave at the office. 
Duncan, from Student Council

Registration for New Families ~ Do you have or know of any new families in the Kildeer School community? Please remind them to come in and register their children for next year. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Registration Update–Register by May 17 to Save ~ Registration emails were sent out April 1 for the 2013-14 school year. ALL students who will attend District 96 in the Aug. 2013–June 2014 school year must register.  Click on the link in the registration email you were sent to open the online registration form for your student. The subject line of the email reads: "Register your District 96 Student for 2013–2014 School Year."  Please read carefully to confirm the accuracy of the information that appears. It is very important that we have current contact information for your family to send you communications and to reach you in an emergency. Please update your information as necessary. Registration questions? Please call 847.459.4260, ext. 7722

Moving over the Summer? ~ Please contact the Kildeer Office to get started on the paperwork to provide for a smooth transition.  Thank you.

  Forms & Information
Click here for access to new archived forms, student opportunities, and information.
  • ABC Countdown Calendar ~ click here
  • Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast ~ click here
Calendar Highlights for Next Week
This is a brief look at what's ahead. Please be sure to follow D96 ENews and our Kildeer PTO Newsletter.
  • Monday, May 13 ~ 2nd Grade Peggy Notebaert Museum Field Trip at 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.
  • Tuesday, May 14 ~ Fishman/Fowler Legoland Field Trip at 12:00p.m.~2:30p.m.
  • Wednesday,  May 15 ~ April/Holmes/Rickel  Legoland Field Trip at 11:15a.m.-2:30p.m.
  • Thursday, May 16 ~ Dessert Day
  • Thursday, May 16 ~ 5th-8th Grades Band Concert at 7:00p.m. Woodlawn
  • Friday, May 17 ~ Special Lunch, Egg Harbor
  • Monday, May 20th ~ SHS Consortium Art Show at 7:00 p.m.

             PTO Highlight of the Week
       Hold the Date!  Kildeer’s Family Picnic is on May 29th

Friday, May 3, 2013

Kildeer Principal's Message 5/3/13

A Look Back...
ABC Countdown Has Begun!  ~ The kids had a blast on bubble day!  Take a look at our scrapbook page to see!
A Look Ahead... 
Beginning Monday, May 6 New Security Procedure for Entering the Building During the School Day and at Dismissal ~ District staff must “buzz” twice to allow entry to a person coming to the building during the school day. After asking the individual’s name and reason for visiting the building, the first “buzz” gives him or her access to the locked vestibule area. A second "buzz"–and additional conversation with District 96 staff, as needed–is then required before the visitor gains access to the building office. 

Our tardies are exceedingly numerous, and your efforts to get students here before 8:20 are greatly appreciated. If students are late, please "buzz" into the building and then the office with your child to sign-in.

There will be no change to procedures currently followed for building access for after-school clubs and athletic events.

Implementing the new security system from May 6th through the end of the current school year will allow us to evaluate procedures and consider additional measures available through a second phase of security enhancements.

From the Nurse's Office ~ Tick Season
We are currently in the spring tick season. Ticks favor a moist, shaded environment. Students are always advised not to play under trees during recess. However, it is important to check children for ticks regularly after they have been playing outside.

ABC Countdown to the End of the School Year Continues ~
PLEASE NOTE...Revision to previous countdown calendar.  5th Grade Transition Day was incorrect.

An Invitation to All Our Wonderful Parent Volunteers ~

A Message from The Student Council~Please Help us Collect Supplies so... 
Orphanage Project Update
This Summer a group of volunteers including one of our own Kildeer staff is going on a trip to Mexico to help out at an orphanage in need. The orphanage is located in Vicente, Guerrero. The volunteers of this project have decided to do a fun craft called Rain Sticks.

Please donate for the Student Council orphanage project!
We have filled up on tape and rice but 

still need stickers, empty paper towel rolls, & aluminum foil.

Thank you Club House for the colored tape. Thank you also to the family who left the giant bag of rice! Please drop off the listed supplies in the art room any time or leave at the office. 
Duncan, from Student Council

Registration for New Families ~ Do you have or know of any new families in the Kildeer School community? Please remind them to come in and register their children for next year. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Registration Update–Register by May 17 to Save ~ Registration emails were sent out April 1 for the 2013-14 school year. ALL students who will attend District 96 in the Aug. 2013–June 2014 school year must register.  Click on the link in the registration email you were sent to open the online registration form for your student. The subject line of the email reads: "Register your District 96 Student for 2013–2014 School Year."  Please read carefully to confirm the accuracy of the information that appears. It is very important that we have current contact information for your family to send you communications and to reach you in an emergency. Please update your information as necessary. Registration questions? Please call 847.459.4260, ext. 7722

Moving over the Summer? ~ Please contact the Kildeer Office to get started on the paperwork to provide for a smooth transition.  Thank you.

  Forms & Information
Click here for access to new archived forms, student opportunities, and information.
  • ABC Countdown Calendar ~ click here
  • Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast ~ click here
Calendar Highlights for Next Week
This is a brief look at what's ahead. Please be sure to follow D96 ENews and our Kildeer PTO Newsletter.
  • Monday, May 6 - May 10 ~ Staff Appreciation Week Begins
  • Monday, May 6 ~ MAP Testing Continues
  • Monday, May 6 ~ Nurses Day
  • Tuesday, May 7 ~ EARLY RELEASE DAY @ 2:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, May 9 ~ Dessert Day
  • Sunday, May 12 ~ Mother's Day
PTO Highlight of the Week
Mark your calendars!  Our PTO Volunteer Breakfast and PTO General Meeting is on May 22nd!

Please click on our newsletter link below to learn about committee chair opportunities for next year.  We would love your help!