We Show Cougar Pride When We Give FIVE!

1. Follow directions

2. Use kind words

3. Keep my hands and feet to myself

4. Make safe choices


Friday, May 10, 2013

Principal's Message 5/10/13

This week, some of the message is written by our Principal for the Day, Lili, from Mrs. Keller's class!

Celebrations from Principal Lili!
  • In P.E. class today I got to see the pacer.  One boy got all the way up to 80!  
  • Kids in classes were taking tests, doing Daily 5 rotations, working on Mother's Day presents, reading, writing, and working on iPads and iTouches.  I got to choose one class to recognize for demonstrating expected Cougar 5 behaviors.  It was hard to pick just one class because they were all showing expected behaviors!  I chose Miss Koldon's class to celebrate because they were working quietly and following directions really well.  
  • In music class they were learning the difference between major and miner key.
  • I got to see Orchestra practice.  It was really really good.they just flowed with the music together!
A Look Back...
ABC Countdown Is in Full Swing!  ~  Two days really stood out this week; Flip Day and Game Day!  Flip Day was fun because kids got to give out Cougar Paws to teachers and staff that they wanted to thank.  The teachers and staff felt very appreciated on this day!  On Game Day kids got to play games in their class for part of the day.  Don't forget to look at the calendar for the fun plans next week.  
A Look Ahead... 
District 96 uses Integrated Pest Management--a program that combines preventive techniques, non-chemical methods (such as bait traps), and the appropriate use of pesticides (with a preference for products least harmful to human health and the environment).

On the weekend of May 11 & 12, 2013 the District 96 lawn treatment provider Zenith
Landscape Group will treat grass areas adjacent to all District buildings. Signs will
be posted to indicate that the treatments have been applied. In the event of rain, the
applications will occur on the following weekend, May 18 & 19, 2013.

Blue Ribbon Gazette ~ Please click the link below to read the new edition put to press by Kildeer's Newspaper Club. Click here.

Beginning Monday, May 6 New Security Procedure for Entering the Building During the School Day and at Dismissal ~ District staff must “buzz” twice to allow entry to a person coming to the building during the school day. After asking the individual’s name and reason for visiting the building, the first “buzz” gives him or her access to the locked vestibule area. A second "buzz"–and additional conversation with District 96 staff, as needed–is then required before the visitor gains access to the building office. 

Our tardies are exceedingly numerous, and your efforts to get students here before 8:20 are greatly appreciated. If students are late, please "buzz" into the building and then the office with your child to sign-in.

There will be no change to procedures currently followed for building access for after-school clubs and athletic events.

Implementing the new security system from May 6th through the end of the current school year will allow us to evaluate procedures and consider additional measures available through a second phase of security enhancements.

ABC Countdown to the End of the School Year Continues ~

An Invitation to All Our Wonderful Parent Volunteers ~
Wednesday, May 22 @ 7:45 a.m. (please note change in time)

A Message from The Student Council~Please Help us Collect Supplies so... 
Orphanage Project Update
This Summer a group of volunteers including one of our own Kildeer staff is going on a trip to Mexico to help out at an orphanage in need. The orphanage is located in Vicente, Guerrero. The volunteers of this project have decided to do a fun craft called Rain Sticks.

Please donate for the Student Council orphanage project!
We have filled up on tape and rice but 

still need stickers, empty paper towel rolls, & aluminum foil.

Thank you Club House for the colored tape. Thank you also to the family who left the giant bag of rice! Please drop off the listed supplies in the art room any time or leave at the office. 
Duncan, from Student Council

Registration for New Families ~ Do you have or know of any new families in the Kildeer School community? Please remind them to come in and register their children for next year. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Registration Update–Register by May 17 to Save ~ Registration emails were sent out April 1 for the 2013-14 school year. ALL students who will attend District 96 in the Aug. 2013–June 2014 school year must register.  Click on the link in the registration email you were sent to open the online registration form for your student. The subject line of the email reads: "Register your District 96 Student for 2013–2014 School Year."  Please read carefully to confirm the accuracy of the information that appears. It is very important that we have current contact information for your family to send you communications and to reach you in an emergency. Please update your information as necessary. Registration questions? Please call 847.459.4260, ext. 7722

Moving over the Summer? ~ Please contact the Kildeer Office to get started on the paperwork to provide for a smooth transition.  Thank you.

  Forms & Information
Click here for access to new archived forms, student opportunities, and information.
  • ABC Countdown Calendar ~ click here
  • Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast ~ click here
Calendar Highlights for Next Week
This is a brief look at what's ahead. Please be sure to follow D96 ENews and our Kildeer PTO Newsletter.
  • Monday, May 13 ~ 2nd Grade Peggy Notebaert Museum Field Trip at 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.
  • Tuesday, May 14 ~ Fishman/Fowler Legoland Field Trip at 12:00p.m.~2:30p.m.
  • Wednesday,  May 15 ~ April/Holmes/Rickel  Legoland Field Trip at 11:15a.m.-2:30p.m.
  • Thursday, May 16 ~ Dessert Day
  • Thursday, May 16 ~ 5th-8th Grades Band Concert at 7:00p.m. Woodlawn
  • Friday, May 17 ~ Special Lunch, Egg Harbor
  • Monday, May 20th ~ SHS Consortium Art Show at 7:00 p.m.

             PTO Highlight of the Week
       Hold the Date!  Kildeer’s Family Picnic is on May 29th